Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version

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Complete mopping convenience
  1. Engineered to make mopping effortless
  2. Mop again and again. Automatically, A huge 290ml water tank. Enough to clean a 65sqm (700sqft) apartment more than 3-times or a 200sqm (2600sqft) home in one go1. With a brand-new ultra-precise peristaltic pump, as used in hospital IV drips, tested for over 1500 hours of use. Now all you need to do to mop every day is fill up the tank and set a schedule.
  3. Even cleaning every time. Mopping with the weight of water in a tank means floors don’t get properly cleaned. As water is used, the cloth presses down more weakly. Dirt is left behind. S5 Max’s spring-loaded mop presses down with an even 300g (11oz) from start to finish. So, the last area cleaned is as fresh as the first.
Precision water control
  1. Choose the right amount for different floors
Virtual barriers
  1. No-mop, and No-go zones for added control
  2. Mop floors, not carpets. No one wants their carpets mopped. Put a stop to that with virtual no-mop zones and barriers. Place them on any carpets and block off carpeted rooms, so you can mop without worry. Take off the mop unit and no-mop barriers disappear, giving S5 Max free rein to vacuum your entire home. Use no-mop zones and barriers with no-go zones and barriers for total control over where your S5 Max goes.
Powerful suction
  1. Draw up dirt, even from deep in carpets
  2. Intense and continuous suction. If your vacuum has weak suction, it leaves behind as much as it collects. Inside S5 Max is a specialized fan spinning at 15000rpm, channeling its airflow through carefully designed pathways. The suction it creates is strong enough to lift even AA batteries. Dust on hard floors is no obstacle; neither is dirt ground into the carpet. Suction even stays strong, even when the dustbin is full.
Total App control
  1. Pre-set everything from schedules to power
  2. Every drop at your command.
  3. From the app, choose the right water flow for any floor type, low-flow on stone, to high-flow for grimy kitchens. When mopping starts, it pumps extra water to wet the mop. If cleaning small areas, it turns off the water where it’s already been. And when it's done, it shuts the water off allowing the mop to start drying as it returns to the dock.
Total cleaning control
  1. S5 Max understands your home’s layout. Its laser rangefinder spins at 300rpm, sending 360° area scans through a custom algorithm in real-time. Using that data, it creates a 98% accurate floorplan map, and it knows where rooms are. With that, you can schedule cleans for one room, many rooms, or your whole home with a few easy taps on your phone.
Your Home Your Order
  1. If you prefer to have your bedrooms cleaned first thing in the morning, or your bathroom vacuumed last at the end of a cycle, you have that control. Customizable room sequencing means you can tell your robot the exact order you want your rooms cleaned.
Faster and better
  1. A powerful 32-bit quad-core processor makes S5 Max capable of an extraordinary level of intelligence. It doesn’t just dumbly map a room. It understands the room’s shape and learns where obstacles are. It uses that knowledge to transform how it navigates, calculating the most efficient route for each room. And the best way around obstacles. Without missing a single bit of floor.
Reach More Floors
  1. Multi-level Mapping systems use precision LiDAR scanning to recognize different levels of a home automatically.4 Every floor can have independent No-go Zones, Invisible Walls, and No-mop Zones. And the current level is automatically recognized so you don’t need to open the Roborock app.
Sensitive to your home
  1. Once S5 Max is off the leash in your home, you can leave it to work. An array of environmental sensors including an accelerometer, odometer, infra-red, compass, as well as a bumper and its hyper-accurate map of your room, mean it just goes about its business safely. It won’t roll off of steps, get trapped, or slam into your walls.
Package included
  1. 1 x Roborock S5 Max robotic vacuum and mop cleaner
  2. 1 x Dock charger with official AUSTRALIAN plug
  3. 1 x Dustbin Box
  4. 1 x Beak-like cleaning tool
  5. 1 x Washable HEPA filter
  6. 1 x Water Tank
  7. 1 x Moisture-proof Pad
  8. 1 x Microfibre Mop Cloth
  9. 1 x English User Manual
  10. 1 x Mobile App Guide
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
Roborock S5 Max Smart Robot Vacuum & Mop Cleaner 2020 Au Version
